This is part 2 of my comc haul. I was able to fill in a decent amount of set needs using comc. Let’s see what I got.
Mail Bag Recap COMC Part 2

This is part 2 of my comc haul. I was able to fill in a decent amount of set needs using comc. Let’s see what I got.
I have been doing a lot of trading on the trading card daatbase… a lot. My wife came into my office today and dropped down a big stack of plain white envelopes. It was great.
More mail means more mail bag recap. This recap includes a Hall of Fame rookie from 1982, errors, and more junk wax set needs.
I have come to consider completing a 1991 Topps master set a rabbit hole. The set never ends. There are more errors and variations that I can count. Thankfully there are other people out who have developed some what of an obsession with this set like me.