My trades are taking over my mail. I am getting one to three plain white envelopes a day. A day! While this seems to be getting out of hand, my set binders think otherwise.
Mail Bag Recap #13

My trades are taking over my mail. I am getting one to three plain white envelopes a day. A day! While this seems to be getting out of hand, my set binders think otherwise.
More mail means more mail bag recap. This recap includes a Hall of Fame rookie from 1982, errors, and more junk wax set needs.
Another week, another mail bag. The trading card database has been a lot of fun. I have completed a few trades and my sets are getting closer to completion.
I have been making my way through the 1980’s of Topps sets starting from 1989. My current build is 1986 Topps, a set that holds the least nostalgia than any of the 1980’s sets. While I do not hate the 1986 design, it’s definitely not my favorite.