This is my first blog post in a while. I had intentions to publish a post that has been sitting in draft mode for almost two months now, but I just haven’t had the energy to finish it. So this small update will have to do for now.
The biggest reason I haven’t wrote any blog posts is due to being flat out tired. By the time I get my son to bed, I am just beat. To top it off, my scanner (also the printer) is on the other side of the house.
Sure, I am being lazy for not wanting to go to the other side of the house to scan a few images, but scans don’t always come out right. By the time I get the scans to look decent, my motivation is gone.
The scanner just sucks too. Cards with white borders are cropped off. It’s deflating.
This week I took care of the scanner issue. I did a little research and purchased an Epson V19 flatbed scanner. The quality is way above the printer/scanner that I previously used. In addition to the new scanner, I purchased VueScan software that adds even more quality to the photos.
This money well spent has given a boost to my blogging motivation to get working on some blog posts.
I dusted off my old 1995-96 Upper Deck Collector’s Choice hockey set a few weeks ago and put it in a binder. This set has literally been sitting in a 400 count cardboard box since 1996! It is one of my all-time favorite sets and will soon get it’s own blog post.
In the mean time, here are two recently acquired You Crash The Game Gold inserts for the set I am working to complete.

The next two cards are eBay purchases that came in the mail this week. A 2016 Bowman Green /99 Joe Mauer and a 2002 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold /500 Joe Mauer RC.

There are still some adjustments to the scanning software to get the scans how I want them. Even using the default scan settings, the images are light years ahead of the old scanner.