If you are like me, you wait about six months or more before shipping your comc purchases to your house. I usually toss $10 on comc with the intention of shipping my cards, but end up buying more cards. It’s a terrible cycle.
This first blog post dedicated to my comc shipment will be all about singles.
All Your Leopold Are Belong To Us
I am an idiot when it comes to collecting Jordan Leopold. I wouldn’t say I am a “super collector”, but I can get aggressive towards his cards.

The 2002-03 Be a Player Memorabilia Emerald rookie actually sat on comc for a few weeks before I pulled the trigger. I have no idea why I waited so long.
The two relic cards are duplicates, but they have multi-color swatches and OH MY GOD I DO NOT HAVE THOSE CARDS WITH MULTI-COLOR SWATCHES. Yes– I am at the point of purchasing duplicates because the dumb swatch is multi-colored. Help me.
And of course a 1/1 had to become available on comc, right? I am guessing it was available for maybe 30 minutes before I mashed the purchase button.
Minnesota Wild
Wild goalie Alex Stalock has had been having a good year. At times he has been better than their usual goal tender, Devin Dubnyk. He is from Minnesota and a University of Minnesota Duluth alumni. So, obtaining a few of his rookies was only natural.

I am a sucker for buybacks. I know it’s just a marketing scheme to get dummies like myself to by the same card again (and for more money), but it works.

Both cards are technically 1/1’s. Honestly, I would have purchased the Nick Schultz without the 1/1 stamp. Both cards were too cheap to pass up.
Some Twins
Only a few Minnesota Twins made it into this shipment. It’s hard for me to purchase Twins cards on comc as there are just too many to choose from.

I have no reason why I purchased the Buxton, but no regrets.
The Willians Astudillo autograph purchase took some patience. His cards were priced too high most of the 2019 as he quickly became a home-town favorite.
The 2006 SP Legendary Cuts Bob Allison is really nice; good card stock, nice design. However, the 1960 Topps Bob Allison has been beat to sh*t and that is what makes it awesome.
Well, those are the singles from my big comc order. My next blog post will be all about the “set needs” from my comc order.
Thanks for reading.