The plain white envelopes are rolling it. My trades have been going well and my set binders are slowly but filling up.
A trade with TCDB member sandd0522 landed me five more 2020 Topps Series 1 base. My Target has been completely sold out of 2020 Topps Series 1, which really means they haven’t taken the time to re-stock the shelves.

A small trade with TCDB member p_dawg68 bumped my 1989 Topps set build by three cards along with a needed 2019 Topps Heritage base short print.

The three 1989 Topps cards bring me to 92.7% of a master set. The Cabrera short print brings me to 92.7% of a complete set.
Yes, both sets just hit 92.7% completion.
Note: My scanner did not like the 2019 Heritage Cabrera. It shows red dots over his face as if he has a case of the chicken pox. This is the first time my scanner has done something like this.
Finally, I was able to add my 1982 Topps and 1983 Topps want lists on TCDB. If you have any and want to trade, let me know.
6 replies on “Mail Bag Recap #10”
That dot pattern on the Cabrera card is a moiré (pronounced moray), or moiré effect. You might try scanning at a higher resolution such as 300 dpi. I scan at 600 dpi but it does result in larger file sizes. Your scanner probably has a descreening feature which can be used to eliminate moiré but I personally have never had to use it.
Congrats on your set completion percentages moving in the right direction.
I am currently scanning at 300 dps with descreen at 300dps– without descreening the dots were REALLY red. I could try 600 dps if this shows up again.
I don’t think this happened with other 2019 Heritage cards… Oh well.
Thanks for the tips and thanks for reading! I’ll try a higher resolution next time.
The chicken pox effect happens with me too whenever I try to scan 1989 Fleer cards.
Odd… I should try one of those.
I could prob pull a couple PWEs worth of 1986 Topps if you’d like to trade. Send me an email.
E-mail sent. Thanks!